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Happy Dogs Love College View Park

McKenzie Minto

Last weekend, Happy Dog Agility held a USDAA trial at a new location called College View Park in Moorpark, California. Judges Emily Hurt and Roger Ly designed some fantastic courses for the Happy Dog community to enjoy.

College View Park is a unique agility oasis. The grass field provided great footing for the athletes to run on, and the trees framing the park created ample shade for a large portion of the day. The park is the perfect size for a two-ring trial with enough room around the border for competitors to set up canopies without being so expansive that we have to share the park with other recreational events. Not to mention, the days of porta-potties or long treks to the bathroom are behind us, as this park is equipped with brick & mortar restrooms right next to the field for us to utilize!

Despite the new location, the Happy Dog team still provided competitors with the same welcoming atmosphere and unparalleled amenities as they always have. Thanks to our hospitality manager, Linda Smith, all the volunteers were provided with a lovely lunch of sandwich fixings, various salads, and fruit. The entire trial ran smoothly thanks to all the workers and course-builders who stepped up to help.

On Saturday afternoon, the bars were placed on the ground for a special Senior Agility Dog event. People brought out their retired agility dogs to run the course and be recognized for their achievements in the sport. Having finished their long agility careers, the dogs ran enthusiastically and were cheered on by their adoring audience regardless of whether they ran the intended course. This touching event was the perfect way to pay tribute to the dogs who brought smiles to their handlers over the years of competing in a sport that they love.

Happy Dog Agility is not defined by its location; it is the people and their attitudes that make their trials so special. But, it sure doesn’t hurt to have a trial site as great as College View Park to bring us together for a fabulous weekend of agility.

Nancy Graczyk with her retired agility dog Sierra. Photo by Scott Klar.

Join in on the fun at the next Happy Dog trial at Arroyo Vista park on November 29 through December 1, 2019. Premium can be found on the HDA home page.

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Oct 16, 2019

Loved the new HDA trial location at College View Park! Conveniently located right off the 118 fwy. The retired agility dogs run at the end on Saturday was so heart warming.

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